I'm working on a series of images that promote the use of protections.
I believe that taking position against some of our common social myths (among them: catholic dogmas and naive superficiality - "it's not gonna happen to me"-) is necessary nowadays.
We need to destroy all this myths that are merely based on ignorance and superstitious believes.
There's no superheroes and there's no mystical supernatural power that can protect us from HIV. It's our duty to take care of our society and all its member, especially the ones that cannot do it on their own (Africa is a good example I guess ... - by the way really disappointing the public reaction to the speech taken by the Pope during his last visit there!- )
The use of condoms is not accepted by a religion that prefer, in my opinion, let people die (and also give birth to babies that are going to face the same destiny) rather than help who is dramatically in need of help. The Vatican claims that abstaining from sex is the solution.
Virgin Mary is a symbol of love and pity ... she got pregnant by god's will. She's never had sex.
We can believe this ancient tale or not, however in both cases we all must realized that has nothing to do with reality. I think there are issue that can be faced only going back down to earth, with common sense and effective solutions.
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