The evolution-creation controversy was already something not really unknown to me and, probably due to my scientific and atheist background, I also had already a radically settled opinion on it. What really attracted me to this project was the request that we present the two arguments in an impartial way because as a graphic designer I understand it is quite important to gain a balanced level of objectivity and fairness. I am usually very passionate about my ideas and beliefs and for this reason I decided to put myself in a position that is unusual for me and see how I could manage to self destroy all the prejudices about religion that I had carried with me since I was an adolescent and I am pleased that I could, actually, leave my own opinions behind and treat both positions as an impartial observer. Readers will draw, hopefully, their own conclusions engaging themselves in a reasoning process, ready to challenge their own ideas as much as I had to do in the first place during the research and development stage of the project.
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